Frannywanny turns 13!
WOW! Thirteen.
It's like I have a teenager. If you really think about it, is my first baby. It was born out of love and passion, somewhat unplanned and based on impulse but how it grew to what it is today is because of the amount of time and dedication that I have poured into it and of course, the immeasurable support that I have been blessed with. If you have been following this blog for the past 13 years, you have been with me through all my ups and downs as I moved out of Manila, started a new life in Singapore, moved back to Manila, became a twin mom and yet, I still want to think that I am still am the same Frannywanny from Day 1 -- a city girl who loves to eat, cook and to write.

I got to admit that when I started this blog, I honestly thought that I was just writing for a handful of my friends to read. Them and Paul, of course. So, it never fails to warm my heart when I would encounter someone who would write to me or would tell me in person that they've been reading this blog for the past decade and boy, I want you to know that your message/words have not only made my day but it continues to inspire me to be better. To be able to stay honest and true in sharing my food adventures with you, to uphold what professional editors would call "editorial integrity" and to write straight from the heart.
It's been a while since I really got to celebrate my blogniversary! I do miss blowing out those candles on my cake so together with my little ones, here's us celebrating 13 years of Frannywanny. I hope next year, I'll do a better job by throwing a nice giveaway but let's see, maybe I can do that before the year ends. After all, with all that has happened this 2020, we all need a bit of happy surprise, right?
To you who have been with me for the 13 years... THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.
Love, Frannywanny