Daily's Diet : Eating Right for a Healthy Me (with a Discount Code!)
Experts often say that the secret to losing weight is to remember the 80/20 rule. Well, okay, there are several variations to this -- 90/10, 75/25 and it goes on and on. However, it all points to the same principle -- losing weight is a mix of 80% diet and 20% exercise. I learned this the hard way and I am still learning about this now. No amount of slaving on the treadmill will ever be enough without a healthy and balanced diet. That doesn't say though that you shouldn't exercise. Exercise improves your blood circulation, it burns off all the unwanted fat and it makes you feel young and happy. We're all for eternal youth and happiness so yes, do not forget to exercise.

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We have a reliable cook at home and I love cooking myself so why subscribe to this, right? For one thing, I want to start my healthy lifestyle right. I want to know how a 1200 kcal meal should really be for instance and how possible is it to still make a healthy dish taste good. After all, Daily's Diet means serious business in making sure you get a tasty, nutritious and a well-balanced meal that fits your health condition and lifestyle. It's being backed by a group of culinary and nutrition experts with decades of experience so you're assured that they know the proper way to diet very well.

Day 1
Upon receiving the package the night before, I quickly took out all the contents from the paper bag and discarded the bag. I was still very careful about making sure that I keep whatever deliveries sanitized for safety reasons. One thing that I noticed is how well-packed everything was. I also liked the fact that a small piece of menu was insert in the bag as well. I stuck this to the fridge to guide me along.

For lunch, I had Pork Sinigang with Brown Rice. I got to admit that after several back to back calls, I wasn't able to eat my morning snack so I ended up feeling so hungry for lunch. So hungry that I forgot to take a photo of my meal. Oopsie! Anyway, it was good! I miss having brown rice and I enjoyed the pork sinigang too. Again, not a fan of sinigang but this one was pretty good. Even Paul and Mommy said so as they tried the soup out of curiosity.

Dinner was Singaporean Chicken Rendang with Cucumber over Brown Rice. Oh how I miss Singaporean food so this one was a welcome treat! I noticed that the serving of the rice was much less than what I normally would have so I realized that that's what I've been doing wrong all these years. A serving of brown rice in each meal pack is approximately 3-4 spoonful only. PM snack was supposed to be a piece of apple which I turned into my dessert instead.
I know that I failed to follow the schedule intended for each meal and this is probably why I felt intense hunger later that night. I could barely sleep as my body was probably getting use to the amount of food that I consumed that day. I kept on tossing and turning that night but I can't ignore my grumbling tummy. Eventually, I fell asleep and woke up so excited to eat the next day.
Day 2
Oh wow! It seems like Daily's Diet knew that I would be waking up feeling hungry the next day. Normally, breakfast for me would be oatmeal, bread or cereals. I rarely get to eat rice in the morning and I only do when I'm out early or when I'm travelling around the country (you know, the famous silog breakfast).

They sent a piece of Banana for my PM snack which I happily shared with my twins. They love banana and since I wasn't feeling hungry yet, I gave it to them.

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Day 3
We're halfway through the week and I have to say that Day 3 was my most favorite Diet Day of all. I scanned the menu and I liked everything that was written in it. I was so excited to start my day after seeing what was in store for me for breakfast.

My mid-day snack was the Mango Dream Cake which I found to be a tad too sweet for my liking. I think this was the only snack that I didn't like that week. I barely finished it as it was just way too sweet and creamy for me. That's okay though as I was really full from breakfast and so, I didn't mind not having a snack at all.

It's been 2 days since my diet and I skipped dance class as I felt like I didn't had that much calories to burn more. However, I noticed that my t-shirt sleeves have gone slightly loose.. either I have lost weight or my clothes are being over-stretched during laundry. Even Yaya L told me that my face has became slightly smaller. Is it really working? I haven't weighed myself again since Day 0 so I wasn't sure then.

I'm so ready for Day 4!
Day 4
On this day, I had an interview for Lady Who Hustles which means I have to fix myself up and not to sport my usual quarantine look. It was a busy day once again as my twins had their e-class plus I had that interview plus back to back calls during midday.

Since I missed my AM snack, I had my Buttered Macaroons after my video interview and it was good! One thing that I noticed is that they ensure that the food quality was not bland or dry and was instead very tasty that you won't feel sad eating diet food.

Day 5
I can't believe that my full week flew by that fast! Friday was also another busy day as this is when I have my weekly calls with the boss and fellow GMs so I normally take more time out to prepare for this. I also practice abstinence as my diet week happened during the Lenten Season and I'm glad that Daily's Diet willingly took note of this and made sure my meals on this day was meat-free.

For my AM snack, I had Shrimp Dumpling with Chili Garlic. Initially, I thought maybe the dumplings had pork in it as most dumplings do but this one was literally just minced shrimp and veggies inside. The taste was quite distinct but the chili garlic was good.

There you have it! 5 whole days with Daily's Diet and I'm so happy I got to try it. Now, it was time to weigh myself again. After 5 days of 100% pure Daily's Diet, I was so surprised to find out that I lost 4kg. Holy cow! That's approximately 8 lbs and no amount of exercise would have made me lose that much. However, here are some things to note --
1) I was and still am incredibly overweight so there was indeed a lot needed to lose so 4kg was a good start but I gotta keep this up.
2) I was eating way less than I normally do so this was probably how my body reacted to it. Also I've always been known to lose really fast..and to gain equally fast too so it's been a tiring vicious cycle that I intend to break.
3) I've been hydrating like crazy the entire week. On times when I'd feel a bit of hunger, I'd start drinking lots of water. Hydrating is always good though, so always keep this in mind.
4) I noticed that my meals always consists of carbs (brown rice, wholemeal carbs), protein, veggies and fruits. I've been eating more fibrous food which has been known to flush away more toxins and waste from your body.
5) By saying I had no exercise, it does not mean that I just stayed sedentary all week. I have a pair of twins, after all so I would play with them, I'd go up and down the stairs to get more water, I would walk around in between calls and I would stand more while working. If I have my way though, I'd up my calorie intake slight more and go back to dancing.
Eating has always been a happy activity for me. I eat when I'm happy and I'm glad I get to do so too. However, I've come to realized that I'm no longer getting any younger and I want to live longer for my twins. I love them so much that I want to be there for them for as long as God will allow me to. That said, I'm making a conscious effort to choose my food wisely, to stick to eating smaller portions, to count my calories and to exercise. This is also very apt given that we are still battling a pandemic and one thing we all have to do is to stay healthy.
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I'm thankful to have done one full week with Daily's Diet as it gave me that jumpstart that I so badly needed. Now, the challenge is to sustain and to continue this healthier lifestyle from this point forward.
Check out Daily's Diet through their website and on Instagram.