I'm Back.

...well I think I am.
I really miss writing, sharing my food and travel experiences. I'm actually not sure if there's anyone still reading my blog but if you're out there. Thank you!
This year, I hope I'll be able to write more. To share how my life has been with all of you and I hope to somehow make this -- a space for you to be reassured that I'm here. I'm ready to talk to you and you're never alone.
We've been in lockdown for more than 2 years and while I do want to thank my kids, Paul and my parents for keeping my sanity in check, I'm starting to realized that I have had enough. Enough of staying home, enough of putting our lives on hold, enough of watching my kids losing their childhood. I hope, as we continue to get vaccinated and build our immunity, we can face normalcy once again.
Well, I've been eating a LOT for the past two years so I got a lot of stories and food finds to share. Till then, please stay safe. xoxo