My Lazada Live Experience with Fisher Price
Hello everyone! It's finally June and it's my birthday month. Soon, we're pretty much halfway through 2019. Time is zooming by so fast again, don't you think?
Anyway, let me backtrack a bit and tell you about my first ever experience doing Lazada Live. I guess everyone all know what Lazada is as today's world is all about online shopping and basically doing everything and anything online. Before I had my twins, I remember attending an event where moms and (then, this momma to be) were asked to stand up and share two of their guilty pleasures. Mine was a no brainer -- chips and carbs. These are still my guilty pleasures till today, actually. Well, most moms mentioned "online shopping" and in my mind, I was like.. "What?!" Back then, I felt uncomfortable trusting online sellers with my money...worst, my credit card details. I had a million and one questions then like "what if the item was fake?", "what if no item gets delivered?", "what if I want to return it?" With all these hesitations, needless to say, I wasn't really a big fan of online shopping here in Manila..before. Yes, before... before I had my twins and I had to be home 24/7 for them. Before I realized that I am not getting anything done for being stuck at home. Before I did my first successful purchase and realized that the online shopping world was pretty neat. Before I discovered that I can actually score deals and get products online that I don't think I'll ever get or find in a mall.
From being a mom, I've learned to make the most of technology to help me get things done. I literally planned my twins' birthday party with the help of online suppliers and retailers. From the time they were born, I have been purchasing all sorts of items from diapers to wet wipes, from baby carriers to their feeding bottles all online. I turned into that kind of Mom who would stay up till midnight to be one of the first to snag the best deals during big online sales.

So, when I was invited to guest in one of Lazada Live's shows for Fisher Price, it was definitely a big YES YES YES for me! Okay, well maybe one tiny fear was that I am deathly afraid to be in front of the camera. Big shocker there, huh? For someone who talks and writes a lot, I'm still more comfortable being behind the scenes. However, I'm also not the kind who chickens out so Lazada Live guesting, here we go!
I guess what made me say yes also is because I love Fisher Price and I will be in the company of two fellow mommies whom I love dearly -- Dette and Nadine. We're all graduates of UA&P, who took the same course (IMC) and are now all mommies to our adorable toddlers. How cool is that?
So we were asked to be at Lazada's office 30 minutes before the shoot. As I was led to the "studio" I was really amazed with the set-up. It really does look and feel like a TV show set-up complete with a nice backdrop, a comfy couch, lots and lots of branding for both Lazada and Fisher Price. There were screens all around, big and small screens. One screen was where our "script" will be flashed and another one will be to show us the actual comments from the viewers. Since it was a live show, everything had to be one in one take, no edits, no special effects.

The show was to showcase the different toys of Fisher Price and Megabloks. It was easy for me as my twins love their Fisher Price toys so much. We talked about how it can grow with your child, helping him/her in every stage of his life and how it can enhance his development. One part of the show allowed us to play with the Megabloks and I had so much fun! Of course, the competitive spirit in me made sure I finished with the taller tower. In between chitchats, we answered some of the questions posted by the viewers and I just love how interactive and real it felt.

After an hour or so, our show has ended and I got to admit that I felt a bit sad because I was having so much fun! I never thought I can actually push my nervous self aside and make myself comfortable in front of the camera. I also got to hand it to Dette and Nadine as it just felt like we're being our usual chatty selves talking about anything and everything under the sun. So thankful for the opportunity given by Lazada and Fisher Price.
Now, when's the next live guesting? ;)
Anyway, let me backtrack a bit and tell you about my first ever experience doing Lazada Live. I guess everyone all know what Lazada is as today's world is all about online shopping and basically doing everything and anything online. Before I had my twins, I remember attending an event where moms and (then, this momma to be) were asked to stand up and share two of their guilty pleasures. Mine was a no brainer -- chips and carbs. These are still my guilty pleasures till today, actually. Well, most moms mentioned "online shopping" and in my mind, I was like.. "What?!" Back then, I felt uncomfortable trusting online sellers with my money...worst, my credit card details. I had a million and one questions then like "what if the item was fake?", "what if no item gets delivered?", "what if I want to return it?" With all these hesitations, needless to say, I wasn't really a big fan of online shopping here in Manila..before. Yes, before... before I had my twins and I had to be home 24/7 for them. Before I realized that I am not getting anything done for being stuck at home. Before I did my first successful purchase and realized that the online shopping world was pretty neat. Before I discovered that I can actually score deals and get products online that I don't think I'll ever get or find in a mall.
From being a mom, I've learned to make the most of technology to help me get things done. I literally planned my twins' birthday party with the help of online suppliers and retailers. From the time they were born, I have been purchasing all sorts of items from diapers to wet wipes, from baby carriers to their feeding bottles all online. I turned into that kind of Mom who would stay up till midnight to be one of the first to snag the best deals during big online sales.

I guess what made me say yes also is because I love Fisher Price and I will be in the company of two fellow mommies whom I love dearly -- Dette and Nadine. We're all graduates of UA&P, who took the same course (IMC) and are now all mommies to our adorable toddlers. How cool is that?
So we were asked to be at Lazada's office 30 minutes before the shoot. As I was led to the "studio" I was really amazed with the set-up. It really does look and feel like a TV show set-up complete with a nice backdrop, a comfy couch, lots and lots of branding for both Lazada and Fisher Price. There were screens all around, big and small screens. One screen was where our "script" will be flashed and another one will be to show us the actual comments from the viewers. Since it was a live show, everything had to be one in one take, no edits, no special effects.

Now, when's the next live guesting? ;)