#BestEverLife with the new Best Ever Joy
I remembered back when I was based in the Lion City, despite not having kids then, our day-to-day life still remained equally busy. For example, after a busy day at work, I would literally rush home at 6pm. Sometimes, I even have to squeeze in a quick trip to the grocery if I'm running low in ingredients and make sure that I get home by 7pm. As soon as I step into our empty apartment unit, I would be on auto-pilot. Cook the rice, chop, wash, mince, prepare the pan, saute, bake, boil, steam, check if the rice has been cooked, set the table, serve the dishes and wait for Paul. The goal is the moment Paul walks in the house, dinner will be ready for him. After dinner, I would then take on the role of dish washing while he takes care of other household chores like doing the laundry, folding the dry clothes and ironing. We would then take a quick shower by 10pm and while drying my hair, I'd be blogging or catching up on work. Our normal bedtime would still be past 12 every single night.

Thinking about it is enough to make me feel really exhausted. It was in 2017 when we made our New Year Resolution of wanting to start our own family and following our doctor's orders, we seriously have to lessen stress if we want this to happen. Thus, we began to review our daily activities and see how we can simplify things. No shortcuts still but rather, we changed how we do some things. For instance, cooking a bigger batch of dishes during the weekend and storing them into smaller containers that way I can just reheat these when I'm pressed for time. I would also cook double the amount of rice that way I will only have to cook rice every other night. We've also subscribed to Netflix then and instead of catching up on work after our shower, we would end our night with a movie or a couple of episodes of our chosen TV series. I'd say, this was our version of #NetflixandChill (haha!). Even when doing the dishes, we gave more attention to choosing the right product to make our chores easier. This is precisely why I ended up buying hoarding bottles of The Best Ever Joy as I know how good it is in cutting grease making it so much faster and easier to wash the dishes and pans.
I must have mentioned this before -- I have discovered a specific trick when it comes to greasy pans as I sometimes would cook with butter. While we're eating, I would pour hot hot hot water into the pan together with a few drops of Joy. After eating, I'd just pour out the water and wash the same way I would with any other plates and believe me, I don't even have to redo it as the grease would just disappear. Amazing! I love this trick so much that I even taught our household help here in Manila when I moved back here two years ago.

Finding the right products and applying the right ways can definitely help not make household work feel like a chore. I know this might sound weird to some but I actually do enjoy dish washing and cooking as I feel so happy and stress-free being in the kitchen. To me, it's my little oasis in our cozy home.
Anyway, recently, Best Ever Joy had a series of events not only here in Metro Manila but in San Juanico Bridge in Leyte as well. The challenge was to wash as much plates as possible using just one 495ml bottle of the new Best Ever Joy! Can you guess how many plates were washed? 1,000? nah... 5,000? not even close! 10,000? even more!
Ready to find out?
The final count was 17,500 plates which covered the entire bridge on both sides and mind you, the San Juanico Bridge is the longest bridge in the country spanning 192m long! It was indeed worth celebrating thus a feast was prepared near the bridge with celebrity Michael V as one of the guests. Aside from the event in San Juanico bridge, a celebration was also done here in Manila last Monday with 90s celebrity Jolina Magdangal-Escueta and fellow mommy blogger Berlin Domingo gracing the stage.
I really have a soft spot for brands who would take the extra effort to lend a hand and during both event, Joy committed to support 1 months' worth of meals each for the SOS Children's Village in Alabang and Tacloban. They will be donating the thousands of plates washed with Joy and lined along the bridge and to other organizations that support the feeding and nutrition of children all over the Philippines.
Truly, this is definitely the Best Ever Joy perfect to live the Best Ever Life!

I must have mentioned this before -- I have discovered a specific trick when it comes to greasy pans as I sometimes would cook with butter. While we're eating, I would pour hot hot hot water into the pan together with a few drops of Joy. After eating, I'd just pour out the water and wash the same way I would with any other plates and believe me, I don't even have to redo it as the grease would just disappear. Amazing! I love this trick so much that I even taught our household help here in Manila when I moved back here two years ago.

Anyway, recently, Best Ever Joy had a series of events not only here in Metro Manila but in San Juanico Bridge in Leyte as well. The challenge was to wash as much plates as possible using just one 495ml bottle of the new Best Ever Joy! Can you guess how many plates were washed? 1,000? nah... 5,000? not even close! 10,000? even more!
Ready to find out?
The final count was 17,500 plates which covered the entire bridge on both sides and mind you, the San Juanico Bridge is the longest bridge in the country spanning 192m long! It was indeed worth celebrating thus a feast was prepared near the bridge with celebrity Michael V as one of the guests. Aside from the event in San Juanico bridge, a celebration was also done here in Manila last Monday with 90s celebrity Jolina Magdangal-Escueta and fellow mommy blogger Berlin Domingo gracing the stage.
I really have a soft spot for brands who would take the extra effort to lend a hand and during both event, Joy committed to support 1 months' worth of meals each for the SOS Children's Village in Alabang and Tacloban. They will be donating the thousands of plates washed with Joy and lined along the bridge and to other organizations that support the feeding and nutrition of children all over the Philippines.
Truly, this is definitely the Best Ever Joy perfect to live the Best Ever Life!