Franny Mommy : Happy Birthday J & L!
My dearest J & L,
You're both a year old today!

Wow, I can't believe it has been a year since you both came out from Mommy's tummy and that officially was the start of a brand new (and exciting) chapter in my life. It still feels like yesterday when I was wheeled into the delivery room with my blood pressure going haywire and at exactly 6:36AM, I first heard the best sound in the world -- my little J's first cry. This was followed a minute after with L's slightly delayed but equally powerful cry. Since then, we've been celebrating a lot of firsts. Your first smile, your first babble, your first clap, your first solids, the first time you clearly said "Mama" then "Papa" and a lot more words following that.
Perhaps right now, you're still fully dependent on Mommy and Daddy but let me tell you one thing. I am really grateful to be your Mommy. Looking back at the past 12 months, you have thought me a lot of things and I'd like to share some of them with you.

First of all, you both made me realize that my heart is big enough to love more than I thought I could. For the past years, I thought I have this little circle of trust which only consists of your Dad, Kongkong, Gwammy, Diyi and Diyitiu. When you were born, I stopped measuring and just gave all the love that I realized I have to the two of you. Every single day, no matter how sleepy I was, I still look forward to seeing your sweet smiles and receiving unlimited hugs and kisses from you. It can be tiring knowing that you're both very clingy to Mommy but I am secretly also very proud of that too. I know that someday, you will be grown up and you won't be as clingy but at least, I can say, that sometime in our lives, you both clinged on to me like Super Glue.
Secondly, you made me more selfless. I guess, that's what motherhood is all about. Finally, after 30+ years, life is no longer just about me or about Daddy but it's all about the two of you already. We continue to work hard and do our best to give you both the best lives possible. With every move I make, having you around makes me prioritize you and what's best for the both of you before anything else.

Lastly, you both made my dreams come true. Know that Daddy and I prayed really really really hard for the both of you and we will continue to in hopes that you will both grow up to be really good children.
It's been a joyful ride, my dear L and J. Thank you for making me your Mommy. Here's to celebrating more birthdays and happy family memories today. Now it's time to blow your candle!
Love ♥,
Related post: My first letter to my Twins
photos by: Rheia Ramos Yeo for Orange and Peach
You're both a year old today!

Perhaps right now, you're still fully dependent on Mommy and Daddy but let me tell you one thing. I am really grateful to be your Mommy. Looking back at the past 12 months, you have thought me a lot of things and I'd like to share some of them with you.

Secondly, you made me more selfless. I guess, that's what motherhood is all about. Finally, after 30+ years, life is no longer just about me or about Daddy but it's all about the two of you already. We continue to work hard and do our best to give you both the best lives possible. With every move I make, having you around makes me prioritize you and what's best for the both of you before anything else.

It's been a joyful ride, my dear L and J. Thank you for making me your Mommy. Here's to celebrating more birthdays and happy family memories today. Now it's time to blow your candle!
Love ♥,
Related post: My first letter to my Twins
photos by: Rheia Ramos Yeo for Orange and Peach