#AngTwins Favorites : Nosh Baby Munchables Organic Snacks
My twins, just like their mom, are huge snackers! Meal time can sometimes be stressful especially for my little girl L who can get super picky but when it comes to giving them snacks, they'd grab this with a big big smile.
From yogurt to fruits, from bread to their favorite cocoa pops, they love munching and snacking at any given time of the day. One of their favorite thing to snack on is Nosh Baby Munchables which, I first introduced to them when they were 8 months old. I waited a few months after they got used to eating solids and from that moment that they had their first taste of Nosh, this has been their #1 snack choice till today.

Nosh is one of the yummiest and healthiest rice crackers in the market. In fact, I even had a yaya before who would also eat Nosh which was intended for the twins. She's long gone now (thank goodness) but it shows how good it was. We've tried pretty much all the flavors available -- Banana Mango, Strawberry Beet, Blueberry and Pomegranate, Apple Cinnamon and their favorite -- Sweet Potato and Pumpkin. I love how they carefully paired these flavors together making it so tasty and flavorful for our tiny tots to enjoy.

One thing that I love about Nosh is how it naturally melts in your mouth. One thing that I am very careful on are snacks that can cause choking. Let's face it, with two kids, there can be times when we might not be able to closely guard the kids as they take each bite and with Nosh, I am assured that we have less to zero chances of choking as the crackers would melt once it comes in contact with our baby's saliva.

Each box comes with 12-13 packs of 2 wafers. Back when they were babies, I would carefully break each piece and give them small bits to chew on before I give them more. They began by sharing one pack. However, now that they're active toddlers, they would each have their own packs of two and would still ask for more! That's how much they love it. Also, we would just give them a piece each and they would happily munch on this whenever we're heading out or when we're out in the mall and they suddenly felt a bit hungry. For breakfast, Yaya M would also get a pack of Nosh and would break this into tiny pieces to add into their oatmeal.

I honestly can't imagine what solid feeding and snacking would be like with my toddlers had we not discovered Nosh! We've tried a whole variety of snacks in the market and yet we still would consistently have a steady stash of Nosh boxes no matter what. Luckily, they would always have good deals and promos during baby fairs and online sales so I would always watch out for those. Have you tried Nosh? If yes, what's your favorite flavor? Tell me below!
Check out Nosh Baby Munchables on Instagram and on Lazada.
From yogurt to fruits, from bread to their favorite cocoa pops, they love munching and snacking at any given time of the day. One of their favorite thing to snack on is Nosh Baby Munchables which, I first introduced to them when they were 8 months old. I waited a few months after they got used to eating solids and from that moment that they had their first taste of Nosh, this has been their #1 snack choice till today.

Check out Nosh Baby Munchables on Instagram and on Lazada.