turns 10!
9 September 2007. I still remembered that afternoon so vividly. It was after chatting with my friend S who has been convincing me to go back to blogging after I hid my personal blog and moved to She told me that it's such a waste that my food reviews can only be seen by a handful of people (friends who are connected with me in Multiply) instead of opening it up to the whole wide world to see. She sure had some amazing convincing skills as I gave it some thought and there I was signing up for a new blog.

First step -- think of a blog name. Oh great! I wasn't prepared for this. I didn't want anything too dramatic or emo. All I know,is that I want a blog where I can share my food adventures with Paul. No grand plan whatsoever. With the cursor blinking away, I typed my name "Fran..." then thought of just being cutesy-slash-funny "Frannywanny". There you go. That was exactly how this blog name was born. I even got a tagline! For those who can still remember, it was "Flipflopping my way around town" The story behind this was simply due to my slight addiction to Havaianas flipflops which is part of my daily staple attire. That's simply it! Just like most blogs during that time, it simply served as a personal journal. A venue for us to pour our thoughts into. My photos during those days were just taken using whatever handphone I was using then. First it was a Nokia followed by that girly Sony Ericsson clamshell phone. It was only later on when I got my first ever iPhone and Paul got into photography where we pretty much avoided all the grainy shots. has been my personal solace for the past 10 years. All throughout my life's journey, I always felt like I have this place where I can share my thoughts, my happy adventures, the special milestones in my life and more. Here, I reveal the real ME. My honest opinions, my crazy side comments, my innermost thoughts. Throughout this decade, I never felt alone. I know that I got you, my readers, at the other side of the fence. Some may come and go but there are some I know who have been there through all these years. Every year, I say this and I'd gladly say it again -- Thank You.
To be honest, I really wanted to plan something grand to celebrate a decade of blogging. Early this year, I was already toying with the idea of either running a big giveaway or perhaps to give this blog a massive make-over or even doing both. However, time just flew by so fast and with the arrival of my twins coming real soon, I truly apologize as I wasn't able to prepare much but I hope that I will be able to end this year with a bang.
Meanwhile, let me share with you 10 of the Best Moments that I've had here at

1) Travelling
This blog has brought me to several fun and interesting places not only around the Philippines but within the region too. One of the most memorable was our HK Disneyland Adventure which was one of the first trips that Paul and I took as a married couple. Prior to that, we also got to join some of the best bloggers in the region in Singapore. We also got to go to Boracay several times for a number of blogging projects and all those were always fun!

2) Celebrating the 4th of July at the US Embassy
Well, you can never get more authentic than celebrating the 4th of July over at the US Embassy in Manila! I feasted on barbecues and watched the fireworks with other members of the media that night. I even got to meet the ambassador himself! It was such a memorable experience and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to be part of this.

3) Sharing personal milestones in my life
Like what I've mentioned above. This blog has been my personal journal for the past 10 years. Together, you've been witnessed to the most important occassions in my life such as the day when I became Paul's wife up until the present where we're awaiting the arrival of our twins. You were also there when I lost my dear Ama and I was just so thankful to have this blog to pour my emotions into.
4) Moving to the Lion City
Speaking of milestones, moving to the Lion City is definitely one of the biggest life changes that we both took and there's totally no regrets there. In fact, we're both so thankful that we took that leap as moving to a foreign country has not only taught us independence but it has strengthen our relationship as well. I am also thankful to have the privilege to be part of the Singaporean food blogging community who has been so warm and friendly to me.
5) Using this blog as a platform to help the community
Through all these years, continues to inform. Sharing valuable information on the newest restaurants, food finds and even easy recipes for everyone to try at home. Not only that, I've made sure to make use of this blog to inform the community during times of crisis. Calamities, changes in our community and more. I always believe that we all live in one big community and it's our responsibility to lend a helping hand to one another especially during times of need. This is one thing that I will continue to do in the next years to come.

6) #FrannyCooks
Cooking has always been a passion of mine but admittedly, it took a back seat for many many years. Moving to the Lion City has allowed me to practice my kitchen skills again and I'm so thankful to have this blog as a venue to document my personal recipes with you. It's amazing to see that I started out with the basic dishes such as salads, jazzed up version instant noodles and even homemade pizza and later on gained more confidence as I tried my hand in creating more "sophisticated" dishes which Paul, thankfully, enjoyed!
7) Best Staycations
Apart from travelling, one thing that I truly love is taking weekend staycations! Some of the best ones that we've had includes the time when we got to enjoyed our 4th wedding anniversary at Shangri-la Singapore's Valley Wing, had a totally relaxing weekend at the Manila Marriott Hotel and just recently, Paul and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary at Marco Polo Manila Hotel.

8) Yummiest meals with friends and family
For the past 10 years, we're so lucky to be surrounded not only by our supportive and equally food-loving family but we also got to meet a number of food-loving friends too. We'll never forget those meals that we've shared with them which continues to sit on top of our list. Remember that steak dinner at we had at Elbert's to bid P and S good bye? How about that to-die-for lechon degustation that Paul and I had with our good friends L and J at dear Dedet's beautiful home? Lastly, I'll never forget the time when my family got so hooked with Lolo Dad's that we've been frequenting this restaurant for years.
9) Tasted the best things ever
I got to admit that my taste buds have been spoiled with the number of times I've dined out and tried a wide variety of things. Over the years, I've tried a wide range of flavors and somehow I've found some of my favorites such as anything and everything with truffle oil/sauce/shavings like this Crespella with Tartufo Sauce from L'Incontro (anyone knows if they're still open?).
10) Meeting and having the best readers in the world
I'm not going to lie but every single time I receive a comment left on the blog or when a reader comes up to me I really get so giddy and excited! I love meeting my readers and it really gives me so much motivation to write as I know you're all there reading my thoughts and hopefully whatever I've shared will benefit you too. ♥
10 years surely went by so fast and I'd take that as a good sign. After all, they always say that time flies when you're having fun! It's just so timely that as I enter a brand new decade, I'll soon be taking on a new role that as a Mommy to my twins. That said, the next 10 years will surely be another exciting roller coaster ride and I look forward to having you all join me once again! has been my personal solace for the past 10 years. All throughout my life's journey, I always felt like I have this place where I can share my thoughts, my happy adventures, the special milestones in my life and more. Here, I reveal the real ME. My honest opinions, my crazy side comments, my innermost thoughts. Throughout this decade, I never felt alone. I know that I got you, my readers, at the other side of the fence. Some may come and go but there are some I know who have been there through all these years. Every year, I say this and I'd gladly say it again -- Thank You.
To be honest, I really wanted to plan something grand to celebrate a decade of blogging. Early this year, I was already toying with the idea of either running a big giveaway or perhaps to give this blog a massive make-over or even doing both. However, time just flew by so fast and with the arrival of my twins coming real soon, I truly apologize as I wasn't able to prepare much but I hope that I will be able to end this year with a bang.
Meanwhile, let me share with you 10 of the Best Moments that I've had here at

This blog has brought me to several fun and interesting places not only around the Philippines but within the region too. One of the most memorable was our HK Disneyland Adventure which was one of the first trips that Paul and I took as a married couple. Prior to that, we also got to join some of the best bloggers in the region in Singapore. We also got to go to Boracay several times for a number of blogging projects and all those were always fun!

Well, you can never get more authentic than celebrating the 4th of July over at the US Embassy in Manila! I feasted on barbecues and watched the fireworks with other members of the media that night. I even got to meet the ambassador himself! It was such a memorable experience and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to be part of this.

Like what I've mentioned above. This blog has been my personal journal for the past 10 years. Together, you've been witnessed to the most important occassions in my life such as the day when I became Paul's wife up until the present where we're awaiting the arrival of our twins. You were also there when I lost my dear Ama and I was just so thankful to have this blog to pour my emotions into.
4) Moving to the Lion City
Speaking of milestones, moving to the Lion City is definitely one of the biggest life changes that we both took and there's totally no regrets there. In fact, we're both so thankful that we took that leap as moving to a foreign country has not only taught us independence but it has strengthen our relationship as well. I am also thankful to have the privilege to be part of the Singaporean food blogging community who has been so warm and friendly to me.
5) Using this blog as a platform to help the community
Through all these years, continues to inform. Sharing valuable information on the newest restaurants, food finds and even easy recipes for everyone to try at home. Not only that, I've made sure to make use of this blog to inform the community during times of crisis. Calamities, changes in our community and more. I always believe that we all live in one big community and it's our responsibility to lend a helping hand to one another especially during times of need. This is one thing that I will continue to do in the next years to come.

Cooking has always been a passion of mine but admittedly, it took a back seat for many many years. Moving to the Lion City has allowed me to practice my kitchen skills again and I'm so thankful to have this blog as a venue to document my personal recipes with you. It's amazing to see that I started out with the basic dishes such as salads, jazzed up version instant noodles and even homemade pizza and later on gained more confidence as I tried my hand in creating more "sophisticated" dishes which Paul, thankfully, enjoyed!
7) Best Staycations
Apart from travelling, one thing that I truly love is taking weekend staycations! Some of the best ones that we've had includes the time when we got to enjoyed our 4th wedding anniversary at Shangri-la Singapore's Valley Wing, had a totally relaxing weekend at the Manila Marriott Hotel and just recently, Paul and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary at Marco Polo Manila Hotel.

For the past 10 years, we're so lucky to be surrounded not only by our supportive and equally food-loving family but we also got to meet a number of food-loving friends too. We'll never forget those meals that we've shared with them which continues to sit on top of our list. Remember that steak dinner at we had at Elbert's to bid P and S good bye? How about that to-die-for lechon degustation that Paul and I had with our good friends L and J at dear Dedet's beautiful home? Lastly, I'll never forget the time when my family got so hooked with Lolo Dad's that we've been frequenting this restaurant for years.
9) Tasted the best things ever
I got to admit that my taste buds have been spoiled with the number of times I've dined out and tried a wide variety of things. Over the years, I've tried a wide range of flavors and somehow I've found some of my favorites such as anything and everything with truffle oil/sauce/shavings like this Crespella with Tartufo Sauce from L'Incontro (anyone knows if they're still open?).
10) Meeting and having the best readers in the world
I'm not going to lie but every single time I receive a comment left on the blog or when a reader comes up to me I really get so giddy and excited! I love meeting my readers and it really gives me so much motivation to write as I know you're all there reading my thoughts and hopefully whatever I've shared will benefit you too. ♥
10 years surely went by so fast and I'd take that as a good sign. After all, they always say that time flies when you're having fun! It's just so timely that as I enter a brand new decade, I'll soon be taking on a new role that as a Mommy to my twins. That said, the next 10 years will surely be another exciting roller coaster ride and I look forward to having you all join me once again!