To the greatest women in my life...
Today we celebrate Mother's Day. A special day where we are given the chance to thank and acknowledge the only woman who would love us forever and ever -- our Mom.
This year, I'd like to say thank you to the three special women in my life...

To my Amah, who continuous to keep herself updated with our lives. She's my biggest fan -- from supporting my culinary dreams to being the proudest grandma in her group who would brag about our achievements -- big or small. My Amah is the sweetest person I know, she never complains nor demands anything from us, she appreciates the littlest things that we do and finds joy in the simplest way. Amah, wo ai ni :)

To my soon-to-be Mother-in-Law, Auntie Baby. while we rarely get to see each other that often, I enjoy every single dinner spent with her as she continuous to reach out and gives us sound advice. I'm thankful that she welcomed me into her family and I look forward to more bonding moments in the near future. :) Thank you Auntie...

Lastly, to the woman who've sacrificed so much just to bring me to dear Mommy. Thank you for withstanding 9 whole months of bed rest just to make sure I am born alive and normal. I will never forget every single thing that you've done to make our childhood days truly memorable. As I will soon move on to another phase in my life, thank you for being very supportive and for accepting and loving Paul like your own son. I will miss our nightly chats and our updates during dinner time. I will miss you nagging me to sleep early and to spend 30 minutes on the stationary bicycle. Thank you for taking care of all of us. I love you very very very much Mommy. :)
This year, I'd like to say thank you to the three special women in my life...

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommy's out there! :)