So this is LOVE
Today, Paul and I went to watch the movie entitled Valentine's Day. The story evolves around the lives of different couples and singles as they celebrate this red-letter day. It was a star-studded movie starring a couple of my favorite Hollywood celebrities -- Jennifer Garner, Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway and Queen Latifah to name a few. While my first impression was that the story is the Valentine's version of another favorite film -- Love Actually, this one is more cheezy, more sentimental but yet again it is because everything happens in that special day where couples get more romantic than ever.
As the ending credits begin to roll and I started to wipe a couple of tears away, I began to think about LOVE. That four letter word that never fails to put a smile on someone's face. Everyone wants to be loved by someone, that's a fact.
Walking out of the cinema, I saw my newly-married cousin who looks totally blooming than ever. While I was just thinking how happy I am that she found her true love, I then heard someone calling my name. I turned around and it was my grade school best friend and her boyfriend. My bestfriend has been through all the ups and downs brought about by love. She has met and has learned to let go of I think a dozen or more guys and finally she has found the man whom I strongly feel is the one for her.
While Paul and I were waiting for our food to arrive, I couldn't help but smile and think of my cousin, my best friend and of Paul and myself who are all fortunate to have found the loves of our lives.
It then shows that Snow White was right. For every girl and guy out there... someday your prince/princess will come.
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While Paul and I were waiting for our food to arrive, I couldn't help but smile and think of my cousin, my best friend and of Paul and myself who are all fortunate to have found the loves of our lives.

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