Frannywanny and Pannywanny : The Story of Two Sisters
Exactly 29 years ago, our family was blessed with a new addition in the form of a bouncing (or perhaps are jumping) baby girl. Months prior to that, I actually thought I was going to have a little brother so when I met her for the first time, the 2 years and eleven month old me somehow couldn't understand why was she wrapped in a pink blanket and instead of having to call her "shoti" as what I was taught to say, everyone was now correcting me to call her...SHOBE.

Meet Pannywanny -- my one and only little sister.
Today's her birthday so I'm taking a break from all the food talks and I'd like to dedicate this special entry just for her. A lot of people have told me how amazing it is to see that my sister and I are so close to one another. Yes, it's something I'm really proud of and I'm glad that I'm blessed not only with a sister but with someone whom I can bet a gazillion dollars on that she'll be there for me for the rest of our lives together. She's my bestest friend after all.
It's funny how most of the time we would think alike, talk alike and family members often say, we even sound alike! If only perhaps I'm a few dress sizes smaller, we could pass as twins but for now, maybe pang fraternal twins muna tayo.
1) How you always take my side and would say the right things to make me smile.
2) How we would laugh till our sides hurt and tears would stream out of our eyes every so often.
3) You may be a few years younger but you always give the best and most sound advise ever.
4) You'll always be my favorite eating buddy and we will soon go back to Chili's to eat like there's no tomorrow.
5) Whenever there's a a sappy Filipino rom-com flick, we know that we'll be each other's movie date.
6) Growing up, how we'd be so in sync especially when it comes to faking a tummy ache just to stay home for the day. *oops!*
7) Because we both spoil Scottie/Scotty like crazy
8) No matter what, we'll be each other's biggest fans. (Yes folks, sibling rivalry is obviously not part of our household vocabulary and we got our amazing parents to thank for that!)
9) How you took me to the Backstreet Boys concert and allowed me to shed a few tears of joy months before my wedding day.
10) How you willingly became my date for the second Backstreet Boys concert even if we could hardly see them from our seats.
12) Your intuition towards not-so-good people never fails to impress me.
13) How every rotating sushi dinner with you is always fun!
14) We're just so alike down to our personalities (ESFJ!), love for the same food and even how we can get color-coordinated without meaning to.
15) Whenever you would happily guest blog as Pannywanny.
16) How you always make me so proud with every single successes of yours.
17) How you would always bring home boxes of Instant Fried Rice from Japan even if they're really bulking but you'd still do it because you know how much I love them.
18) How we can never stay mad at each other for long.
19) You always take very good care of Mommy, Papa, Ama and Kongkong.
20) You never fail to remind me to sleep early, go exercise and to stop being so stressed out.
21) Whenever you make me feel so blessed, happy and proud to be your sister.
22) The surprise greeting cards, the birthday cake and daily iMessages that you send even if I'm miles away.
23) How you treat JP like your very own Ahia.
24) The way we tend to think alike and our mental telepathy, I must say, is flawlessly aligned.
25) How even in my next life and even after that, I wish that we'd still be sisters forever.
26) The coffee chats, the nail spa dates and the massage bonding that we would have as well as the conversations in between those.
27) How you have turned my former bed into one where I can lie on during our evening bonding sessions with Mommy.
28) The warm hugs, the reassurance speech and the confidence boost that we would give one another during times that we need them most.
29) Just because you are my sister and I will forever thank HIM for that.
I love you Pan and I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Happy Birthday to you!!!
25) How even in my next life and even after that, I wish that we'd still be sisters forever.
26) The coffee chats, the nail spa dates and the massage bonding that we would have as well as the conversations in between those.
27) How you have turned my former bed into one where I can lie on during our evening bonding sessions with Mommy.
28) The warm hugs, the reassurance speech and the confidence boost that we would give one another during times that we need them most.
29) Just because you are my sister and I will forever thank HIM for that.
I love you Pan and I can't wait to see you in a few weeks!
