My Top 10 Christmas Party Food-to-Order List
In my previous post, I talked about Red Ribbon's two new delicious cakes that are truly noche buena-worthy.
Here, I would like to share with you 10 of my favorite Christmas Party dishes that I would always order when I do not have enough time to whip something up before heading to our annual potluck dinner.
Thanks so much to for giving me the opportunity to share my list and I hope that you and the readers will find this useful this Yuletide season. :)

Watch out for the next installment of this article as I will share my Top 10 Christmas gift ideas! :)
Thanks so much to for giving me the opportunity to share my list and I hope that you and the readers will find this useful this Yuletide season. :)
Watch out for the next installment of this article as I will share my Top 10 Christmas gift ideas! :)